Beautifying room with interior furniture

Beautifying room with interior furniture

1. To be beautiful and uniform. The uniform style means that the style of the furniture in a room should be the same, otherwise it will give people a feeling of patchwork and chaos.

2. Furniture should be unified style. The unified style means that Chinese and Western, classical and modern furniture should not be mixed in one room, otherwise it will destroy the uniformity of the furniture style of the whole room, giving people a sense of disharmony.

3. To unify the color tone. It means that the furniture in one room must be matched and the color tone should be consistent. Furniture with inconsistent hue should be repainted to match.

4. Pay attention to the surrounding environment. In terms of style, the classical architecture of the high hall and the spacious room should not be equipped with simple and compact modern furniture. In terms of color, the furniture should be the same as the indoor fixtures (ie walls, doors and windows, floors, etc.) and not fixed. The color of the equipment (curtains and other decorative parts) is adapted. If the uniform adaptation of the hue is considered only in the scope of the furniture itself, the uniformity of the global hue is often not obtained.

5. The number of furniture should be properly. Too much will make the room crowded; too little will not meet the needs, but make the interior look monotonous. In short, the furniture should be appropriate, practical, beautiful and economical.

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